Belo Horizonte
Belo Horizonte is the capital of the state of Minas Gerais and the third largest metropolitan area in Brazil with a population of almost 5.5 millionpeople. Belo Horizonte stands out for its architectural treasures, its rich artistic and cultural offerings, and its central location in the state of Minas Gerais. Only 100km away from Belo Horizonte, it is possible to see and learn about one of the most important artistic heritages of Brazil's colonial period in the nearby cities of OuroPreto, Mariana and Congonhas. In the same radius of 100km, several options for ecotourism stand in the highlands such as Serra do Caraça and Serra do Cipó. The city is also known for its mild weather, with an average temperature of 27 degrees Celsius. Belo Horizonte has a developed industrial sector, beingtraditionally considered a hub of the Brazilian metallurgical and mining industries. The city is also one of the major centers for the biotech, the automotive and the software industry in Brazil. Multinational companies like FIAT, ArcelorMittal, Google and Toshiba have subsidiaries in the region. Among the companies headquartered in the city we can list steelmaker Gerdau Açominas; Usiminas; Belgo-Mineira; Acesita; mobile communications Vivo; and Telecom Italia Mobile, as well as the NYSE-listed power company CEMIG. The city offers a large diversity of cultural services (theatres, opera, movie theatres, book shops) and is well known for its pubs, pub food, and craft beers.
Housing and Living Expenses
The monthly cost of living in Belo Horizonte is around R$ 1.000,00 for one person. Foreign students at UFMG may live, among other options, with a family, in a hotel or apartment. The cost of living with a family, including breakfast and private room, is about US$60 per week. Those interested should contact the UFMG Office for International Relations (
DRI) for a list of housing alternatives and offers. One of the most common formsof housing is the traditional 'república', basically shared houses or apartments rented by a group of students.
UFMG has 8 restaurants in Pampulha Campus.Menu options arediversified and prices start at US$3. Other alternatives on campus include the 25 cafeterias which offera large diversity of dishes and sandwiches.
Urban transport in Belo Horizonte
Three internal bus lines operate inside UFMG campus. Several bus lines to downtown and the neighbourhoodssurrounding the campus are available at regular intervals.A Bus Rapid System (BRT) links Pampulha Campus to Belo Horizonte downtown. There is only one underground line in Belo Horizonte, linking the West and North neighbourhoods to downtown. There are some bike lanes and a public system for bicycle rental in Belo Horizonte, although the city area is still not very well-equipped for bike trips.
Belo Horizonte is served by two commercial airports, Pampulha Airport and Tancredo Neves/Confins International Airport. Most flights from abroad or other Brazilian states arrive at Tancredo Neves/Confins Airport.