The SMARH program is addressed to students with a degree in engineering, biological and exacts sciences, geosciences or similar education. Students must choose one of the following majors:
- Sanitation;
- Environment;
- Hydraulics and Water Resources.
The typical duration of the programs is:
- Master's Degree: two years. In the first year, students must attend classes, validating a minimum of 24 credits, followed by the dissertation work, in the second year.
- Doctorate Degree: three to four years. In this period, studentsmust attend classes, validating a minimum of 30 credits(with possible incorporation of credits from their previous master's degree education) and developing the doctorate thesis.
Escola de Engenharia - UFMG
Avenida Antônio Carlos, 6627 - Bloco 1, Sala 4619 - CEP 31270-901
Telefone: 31-34091882